Onehunga District Council of Social Services
Connecting Communities
At ODCOSS we aim to:
Network with social services and other community groups in Onehunga/Maungakiekie.
Learn about the services, activities and events available, and share these through the network.
Provide a collective voice for community groups.
Support initiatives which have common goals and needs in our community.
Our Vision
Here at ODCOSS, we are driven by our vision of a community that is strongly supported by a connected network of social services.
Working Together to Build Resilient Communities
Mission Statement
To provide a strong network of social services and community organisations within Maungakiekie, for the sharing of information and activities that help build capacity and capability in the sector.
Our Values
To uphold the Treaty of Waitangi.
To uphold participation, protection, partnership, justice, equality, fairness and a voice for the voiceless.
To have an inclusive society with citizenship, respect, humanity and the opportunity for each person to develop their full potential.